What Do You Notice? Oval Venn Diagram


Primary students (K-2): number recognition, counting, shapes

Intermediate students (3-5): pattern, sorting and classifying, even/odd numbers, multiples, multiplication

Mathematical Background

This is a twist on the traditional two overlapping circles venn diagram. The idea is for students to look for patterns in the numbers chosen to go in one, both, or none of the ovals. They may discover that the ovals contain even numbers with the smaller oval made up of multiples of 6. The numbers outside the ovals are odd numbers. According to this classification, the number 8 would go in the large oval because it is an even number but not a multiple of 6.

Sample Student Responses

"Put 8 before 9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9."

"It is in the big circle because it's even but not a multiple of 6."

"Because all the numbers in the ring are even and 8 is even."

"There are all even in the circles."