What Do You Notice? Hexagonal Venn Diagram


Primary students (K-2): shapes, number recognition, even/odd numbers

Intermediate students (3-5): even/odd numbers, multiples of 5, multiplication/division

Mathematical Background

I wanted to do a venn diagram but use something other than circles, hence the hexagons. The categories I chose were even numbers and and multiples of 5. The 'Challenge!' question used a number that would fit in the middle section as an even number that is a multiple of 5. I also decided to throw in a red herring in the form of the multiplication problems associated with the left and right sections: 4 x 12 = 48 and 5 x 15 = 75. Although it was something fun to notice, neither problem had anything to do with the placement of 150 in the Challenge! problem.

The number 150 would go in the center section because it is both an even number and a multiple of 5.

Sample Student Responses

"12 x 4 is 48"

"15 x 5 = 75; right side 75 + 75 = 150"

"All the numbers on the right are multiples of 5."

"There's a diamond inside."