What Do You Notice? Cuisenaire Rods


Primary students (K-2): patterns, counting

Intermediate students (3-5): patterns, fractions

Mathematical Background

This represents cuisenaire rods. The orange rod is equal to 10 of the white unit rods. The relationships between the rods is easier to see for younger students if they can actually manipulate the rods, but I decided to create this and see what connections they would make. I was also hoping that some of the upper elementary students could see the fractions represented. For example, using the orange rod as one whole, the yellow rod represents 1/2 of the orange. The red rod would be 2/10, or 1/5 of the orange rod. Other possible fractional values: green = 1/3 of the blue rod; pink = 1/2 brown and so on.

This is also a great way to show multiple ways of making 10: 10 + 0, 1 + 9, 2 + 8 and so on.

Sample Student Responses

"The oranges are the same length."

"It looks like a fraction graph with fraction strips."

"It looks like a pattern. The pattern goes from orange big to little. Big orange, whole, half square."

"It is the same color but it is upside down and right side up."